Climate needs farmers

Climate needs farmers

Building up a network to support farmers in questions of climate change


In january 2013, VERN e.V. started the European exchange programme Leonardo Da Vinci.

You can find more information on Climate needs Farmers click here:

 Verein zur Erhaltung und Rekultivierung alter Nutzpflanzen Brandenburg, VERN e.V. –
Organisation for Conservation and recultivation of cultivated plants in Brandenburg/ Germany

In the last 100 years the diversity of cultivated plants has dramatically decreased worldwide. The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) declares that more than 75% are already lost. The industrialization of agriculture as well as genetic engineering, seed-monopolies and climate change are threatening our agro-biodiversity.

Against this development VERN works on conservation and recultivation of rare cultivated plants with numerous activities.

About VERN

VERN is a private non-profit association with function as a regional network of gardeners, farmers and local garden sites. VERN was founded in 1996 by support of the Brandenburg State Agency of Large Protected Areas (LAGS), the german Genebank Gatersleben (IPK) and the InformationCenter for Genetic Resources (IPK) Bonn (now BLE-IBV). Today more than 500 members are involved with VERN.

The collective aims of VERN are:

– working on conservation and availability of elder and rare cultural plants

– managing plant genetic resources simple and free for all interested people

– taking care of knowledge about cultivation, tradition and special use of cultural plants

– conserving the remind and knowledge of the specific history of culture and breeding in Brandenburg

– improving availability of rare plants and seeds, non-commercial activities of breeding, advice and communication for stimulating better use of plant genetic resources

VERN activities range from education courses about preservation of cultural plants to presentations in public gardening exhibitions, from organizing a network for conservation and recultivation of plant varieties in Brandenburg to work with other national and European NGO´s about plant genetic resources, from an own collection with about 2000 varieties and technical facilities to a yearly catalogue and distribution of own seeds and plants by non-commercial way.

Organic Recultivation and Visitors Garden

The VERN recultivation  and visitors garden is located in a small village called Greiffenberg  in Brandenburg, 100 km away north-east from Berlin. It is a less favored area of low density population (below 40 people/qkm). Here 2000 varieties were recultivated and  about 500 shown every year. In an own collection VERN maintains about 2000 varieties of rare vegetables, herbs and grains.

 “Compendium” – Catalogue of own seeds and plants


A Catalogue of own seeds and plants is published yearly – called Compendium. The compendium shows all rare seeds and plants offered by non-commercial way to gardeners and farmers.


VERN is working together with organic farmers in Brandenburg and Berlin to bring back diversity to agriculture and on the markets.

VERN cooperates with local schools, universities and the official service for nature protected areas; there is a special point on focusing activities to national parks, nature parks and biosphere reserves.

VERN is leading member of a network of a regional viewer gardens in Berlin/Brandenburg and climate needs farmers


As a yearly service workshops and special courses for traditional plant breeding, seed storage and behavior are offered for farmers, students and private gardeners.




Burgstr. 20
D-16278 Greiffenberg/Uckermark
Tel.: + 49/ 33334-70232





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